Monday to Saturday
8.30am-12.30pm and 2 pm-7pm

Clinique Vétérinaire de la Crique

Come to the clinic

Our different spaces for different species :

We provide a broad range of services to satisfy all your needs.
  • Central front desk for everyone.
  • Farm animals space.
  • Pets space for dogs, cats and exotics.
  • 1 Clinic, 2 Sites!


    The Percy clinic opened in 2009. Exclusively dedicated to your pets care and wellness, you will be welcomed in to a wide open space with a reception desk for pets and farm animals, a “dog” waiting-room and a “cat” or “frightened pets” closed waiting-room, several consultation rooms, a modern laboratory, a medical imaging room and a surgical and hospital area.

    The farm animal part is at the back of the clinic and allows us to treat and operate on them. We also have 2 workstations to practice clinical examinations on horses in the safest conditions.


    This second site gives you a more local service for the people nearby. It offers pet food, veterinary products without prescription and prescription collection. You may also come with an appointment, for simple medical services (i.e. without extensive tests): vaccination, stitches removal, nail cutting…
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